TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Ali Fazal went on a same sex date for a web show, and says it was a fun experience. Ali went on a same sex date on Karan Johar”s dating reality show, “What The Love! With Karan Johar”.
With the Netflix show, Karan along with his team of fashion and style experts, Maneka Harinsinghani and make-up and hair artist Shaan Muttathil, will transform the participants into the best versions of themselves. In the show, one contestant Rabanne is seeking a consistent and committed partner. Karan decided to set-up a prep date for Rabanne with Ali.
“This is the first same sex date for me. I have a lot of gay friends and have been hit on by men as well. To begin with it was a very nervous experience, more for me because I”ve never been on a same sex date before. But I stayed on and was just having fun with him. I think that was quite a task and I actually feel good about it,” Ali said after his date.