TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said that more Intensive Care Units (ICUs) may be needed in the coming days as the national capital continued to witness a spurt in COVID-19 cases in the city.
“We may need more ICUs in the coming days. Discussed with doctors of our Delhi government hospitals on how to increase no of ICUs,” he said in a tweet.
Last week, the Delhi government had directed district magistrates and other officials concerned to set up 20,000 beds within a week to ramp up medical infrastructure in the city.
On Tuesday, the death count from COVID-19 in the national capital surged to 1,837 while 1,859 fresh coronavirus cases took the tally in the city to over 44,000-mark.
The death count from COVID-19 in Delhi on Monday was 1,400. A total of 437 deaths were reported on Tuesday, the highest number of fatalities recorded in a single day.