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Trump defends use of HCQ, says it works in early stages of COVID-19

Trump defends use of HCQ, says it works in early stages of COVID-19

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Donald Trump has again defended the use of hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus, saying many frontline medical workers agree with him that the malaria drug works in the early stages of COVID-19 infection, despite mounting evidence that it is ineffective in treating the disease.

In May, Trump disclosed that he was taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus after consulting the White House doctor. In May, Trump disclosed that he was taking daily doses of hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus after consulting the White House doctor.” I happen to believe in it (hydroxychloroquine). I would take it. As you know, I took it for a 14-day period, and I’m here.

I happen to think it works in the early stages. I think frontline medical people believe that too — some, many,” Trump told reporters at a White House news conference on Tuesday. “But the one thing we know: It’s been out for a long time, that particular formula, and that’s essentially, what it is, the pill. And it’s been for malaria, lupus, and other things. It’s safe. It doesn’t cause problems. I had no problem. I had absolutely no problem, felt no different. Didn’t feel good, bad, or indifferent. I tested, as you know. It didn’t hurt me, and it’s not going to hopefully hurt anybody,” he said.

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