TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday launched a startup contest under which innovators, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and startups have to find new ideas applicable to 11 specific challenges of the Indian defence sector.
Four of the 11 subjects of the Defence India Startup Challenge 4 (DISC4) are autonomous underwater swarm drones, foliage penetration radar, reduction of radar cross-section of naval warships and artificial intelligence based satellite image analysis and reduction, the Defence Ministry said in a statement.
If an idea of a startup, an innovator or an MSME is accepted by the ministry in DISC4, the entity would be given innovation grants by the ministry to develop the prototype. The minister also launched product management approach (PMA) guidelines on Tuesday that will “steer the prototype development to a market ready product”, the ministry noted.