TIL Desk Sports/ World champion P V Sindhu created a stir on Monday by posting “I Retire” on social media, only to follow it up with a lengthy statement declaring that she would actually be saying goodbye to “the negativity, fear, and uncertainty” triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Olympic silver medallist, who is currently in London to work on her nutrition and recovery needs at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, started her rather stunning post by saying that the “Denmark Open was the final straw. I Retire”. She was referring to her pullout from the event due to the pandemic.
Sindhu said the reason why she started the post with a shocker like ‘I Retire’ was to ensure that maximum people take note of the message she was trying to convey on dealing with the virus. “I might have given you guys a mini heart attack; unprecedented times requires unprecedented measures. I guess I needed to get you guys to sit up and take notice.”The post gave some of her followers ‘a mini heart-attack’ but further reading put them at ease.