TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has launched a portal for defence land management system (LMS) that is expected to bring greater transparency, efficiency and speed in dealing with land management matters.
“As part of efforts to improve overall management of defence land, for the first time an LMS has been developed by the Department of Defence (DOD) in conjunction with the Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE) and Armed forces,” said a statement by the Defence Ministry.
The portal was formally launched by Singh on Thursday in the presence of officials from the Indian Army, DGDE and the DOD, the statement noted. The Intranet portal will digitise all requests of defence land management received by the DOD in the future, it mentioned.
“All data for cases since 2016 have already been captured and are available in the portal. Progressively, data of prior period will also be entered in the portal which is meant only for departmental use and it is not open for the public,” the statement said. “The portal is expected to bring in greater speed, transparency and efficiency into the LMS of the DOD,” the statement noted.