
Antigua says will honour India’s request to extradite Mehul Choksi

Antigua says will honour India's request to extradite Mehul Choksi

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Antigua government has assured to look into India’s request to extradite fugitive diamond merchant Mehul Choksi, who obtained citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda before the Rs 13,400 crore Punjab National Bank scam.

According to a Antigua’s newspaper, foreign affairs and immigration minister EP Chet Greene has said that they will ‘honour any legitimate request’ in order to preserve the integrity of their Citizenship by Investment Programme, through which Choksi obtained citizen in November 2017.

Greene was quoted as saying he was not aware that the government of Antigua and Barbuda had received any requests from any Indian government or law enforcement body for cooperation or extradition regarding Choksi.

“However, if a request is received we will honour any legitimate request made of us notwithstanding that we do not have any extradition agreements with India. That is the extent of our commitment to preserving the integrity of our programme, Greene said after a cabinet meeting.

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