
Draw inspiration from people ‘who see the cup as half full’: Nooyi

Draw inspiration from people 'who see the cup as half full': Nooyi

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Pepsico’s former CEO Indra Nooyi has advised Indian students in the US not to idolise people based on their positions, but to draw inspiration from those “who see the cup as half full”.

During a video conference with Embassy of India Student Hub last week, the 65-year-old Indian-American business executive said, “Don’t just say to yourself someone who inspires me has to be in a position that is higher…It is people who can handle crises in an interesting way that you should draw inspiration from.”

The Student Hub is an initiative of the Indian Embassy here to engage Indian students studying in the US in India’s development. It is a platform for students to connect, collaborate and converse — both with each other, as well as with the embassy.

During the conversation on January 15, Nooyi advised the students not to idolise people based on their positions. She told them to “draw inspiration from people who see the cup as half full”, according to a press release.

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