
Economic impact of India-Pak tensions will be marginal: Jaitley

Economic impact of India-Pak tensions will be marginal: Jaitley

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi-Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has expressed confidence that any economic impact arising from recent tensions with Pakistan and incidents like the surgical strikes undertaken by Indian special forces will be “extremely marginal”.

 Addressing a gathering at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, Jaitley said that any impact that had been felt on the markets and the rupee had been “temporary”, and that foreign direct investment into India “continues to increase”.

“Even recently, when the news came that India had made certain surgical strikes at the launch pads where the terrorists used to cross into Indian boundaries, there was obviously a certain amount of speculation as far as the markets were concerned. The impact was not what it would have been years ago,” he said. Economic impact arising from recent tensions will be “extremely marginal”, he said.

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