
Google Pilot to Let People Use Alternative Billing in Play Store Now in India

Google Pilot to Let People Use Alternative Billing in Play Store Now in India

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Google on Friday rolled out the next phase of its pilot in India and some other countries to let users explore alternative billing options for app purchases on Play Store. All non-gaming developers in India, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, and the European Economic Area can now sign up to participate in the pilot and offer the choice to their mobile and tablet users.

‘With this next phase of Google Play’s user choice billing pilot, all non-gaming developers can offer an additional billing choice alongside Play’s billing system for their users,’ a company spokesperson said in a statement. ‘We will be sharing more in the coming months as we continue to build and iterate with our pilot partners,’ the company added.

Earlier this year, the company announced a new pilot to explore user choice billing in apps on Google Play, allowing participating developers to offer users an alternative billing system alongside Google Play’s billing system. Google said that with this pilot, it continues to evolve its platform and increase the choices available to developers and users, while ‘maintaining its ability to invest in the ecosystem’.

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