
India is ready for fourth industrial revolution and technology innovations: Ambani

India is ready for fourth industrial revolution and technology innovations: Ambani

TIL Desk/Business/Davos-Amid rising concerns about globalisation benefitting the world’s richest more, India’s wealthiest man Mukesh Ambani on Tuesday favoured free market economy and said wealth creation should not be constrained as it is a precursor to the distribution of wealth.

He also asserted that India is ready for fourth industrial revolution and technology innovations, especially with a strong leader like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as has been proved by the success of the recent demonetisation move and the push for digital payments.

Sharing the dais with him at a session on fourth industrial revolution at WEF Annual Meeting, Infosys chief Vishal Sikka also said that demonetisation has shown to the world that Indians are ready to adopt new technology disruptions. “When we talk about fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence and other technology disruptions…we (need to be) very careful that we don’t create a bigger divide in the society,” Sikka said.

When asked whether there was a risk of societal disturbances in India, Sikka said the country has tremendous opportunities as it is very technologically advanced and a young nation. Example of demonetisation shows that Indians can be adaptive to new things, he added.

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