
India needs to accelerate investment in children, education: WB

India needs to accelerate investment in children, education: WB

TIL Desk/Business/Washington/ It is “extremely important” for India to increase and accelerate its investment in children and education as the country has a “very high” child stunting rate, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said today.

Lauding Narendra Modi for demonetisation and Swachh Bharat mission, Jim said the Prime Minister needs to accelerate things quickly in educational outcomes so that India as it marches on its fast pace growth can compete in the “economy of future”.

“I think it is extremely important for India to increase and accelerate its investment in children and education,” Kim told reporters at a news conference at the start of the annual Spring Meeting of International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

“There are so many great things that Prime Minister Modi is already doing. But it is very difficult to see how with such high child stunting rate the economy evolves, become much more digitally demanding that those children would be able to compete, Kim, 57, said.

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