TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ India has exported tobacco worth Rs 1,447.80 crore in the first quarter of the current fiscal, an increase of 7 per cent since last year, mainly to Europe and South East Asia, according to the Tobacco Board.
In volume terms, the export of both tobacco and its products rose by 2.65 per cent to 53,213 tonnes during the April-June quarter of the 2018-19 fiscal. In the year-ago period, the country had exported 51,802 tonnes valuing Rs 1,352 crore.
Much of the exports were in unmanufactured form especially flue-cured virginia (FCV) tobacco — a variety used in cigarettes — followed by small quantities of tobacco products like cigarettes, bidis, hookah tobacco paste, cut tobacco, snuff and cigars, the board’s data showed.
Export of FCV tobacco declined to 32,687 tonnes in the April-June period of this fiscal from Rs 33,401 tonnes in the year-ago. However, in value terms, the shipments rose to Rs 814.37 crore as against Rs 791.46 crore in the said period.