
Unemployment remains top worry for urban Indians: Report

Unemployment remains top worry for urban Indians: Report

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ An Ipsos survey showed that joblessness remains India’s topmost worry and has further increased by 4 per cent in ‘worry’ levels.

Likewise, Covid-19 which is India’s second biggest worry, after a major reduction last month in its intensity, has climbed up by 4 per cent in March 2021.

The top five worries of urban Indians were unemployment or joblessness, Covid-19, financial and political corruption, while crime and violence and poverty and social inequality are tied at the fourth spot, and education.

The survey showed that global citizens continue to worry most about Covid-19, though it has seen a reduction over February. The other worries of global citizens  included unemployment, poverty and social inequality, financial and political corruption, and crime and violence.

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