Delhi-NCR, India, State

Can it be said Delhi is being run from Finland: Kejriwal responds to Punjab opp. charge

Can it be said Delhi is being run from Finland: Kejriwal responds to Punjab opp. charge

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ An agreement knowledge-sharing was signed on Tuesday between Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Singh Mann, who said 117 schools and mohalla clinics will be developed in his state.

Mr Mann said education, health and power were a priority of his government and Punjab can learn from Delhi where a lot of work has been done in these fields.

Delhi can also learn from Punjab about agriculture, he said. Mr Kejriwal said India will progress if every state starts learning from the good work done by others.

“It will be wrong to say that only we have done good work. There were several islands of excellence across the country but there were divisions of parties and states, and nothing was learnt from that,” he said in a press conference held jointly with Mr Mann.

About opposition allegations that the AAP government in Punjab was being ruled from Delhi, Mr Kejriwal said, “Manish Sisodia visited Europe and Finland to learn about their education system. It will be stupid if someone says the Delhi government is being run by Finland.

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