TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Aayush Sharma has penned a thank you note for his brother-in-law and co-actor Salman Khan. He thanked the superstar for keeping faith in him when he didn’t have it in himself. Aayush shared a behind-the-scenes picture on Instagram.
In the image, Aayush is wielding a gun while Salman, who is standing on the side, can be seen supporting the 31-year-old actor by holding his hand as he leans sideways for the shot.
“This picture is just not JUST another picture for me. It means the world to me. Because this is what happens behind the camera. This picture is symbolic to what bhai @beingsalmankhan has done for me,” Aayush wrote alongside the image.
He added: “‘ANTIM’ wouldn’t have been possible if bhai didn’t keep his faith on the project for 3 long years. Taking time off from your busy schedule to make sure the film shapes up like this. Cant thank you enough for keeping faith in me when I didn’t have it in myself.”
Aayush says he still cannot believe he got the opportunity to be in the same frame as Salman Khan. “Thank you so much Bhai for always being there with so much love, support and guidance and always making sure that in life and literally in this shot.. I don’t fall,” he wrote.