TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Varun Dhawan on Thursday unveiled the first official look of his character Zafar from upcoming period drama “Kalank”. “It’s been a hell of a journey playing this gem of a character. So guys, meet Zafar,” he tweeted along with a poster of the film in which he can be seen in intense look, having smudged kohl eyes, pierced ears and long tresses.
Even other stars of the film including Madhuri Dixit Nene, Alia Bhatt and Sonakshi Sinha introduced Varun’s character. Alia described Varun’s character as “fearless in love, fearless for love”. Sonakshi called Zafar “the flamboyant hero of our larger-than-life world”.
Sharing a glimpse of Zafar, filmmaker Karan Johar said that Zafar “flirts with life and danger”. Earlier, Karan posted an emotional post about the film saying “Kalank” was very close to his heart as it was the last film on which his father, the late Yash Johar, worked on.