TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Akshay Kumar, who has become the first male Bollywood Actor (Male) to score 20 million followers on Instagram, received an Instagram memento for the milestone. The “Airlift” actor on Monday shared a photo of himself with the memento given to him by Instagram.
“Here’s another gold from the good people at Instagram. Glad to share, the first Bollywood Actor (Male) to cross the 20 million followers milestone is yours truly. Thank you all once again for the love, sending lots of love and prayers your way.”
Earlier this month, the actor was seen celebrating this milestone with streamers and a boomerang video. On the work front, Akshay’s recently released movie “Gold” is riding high at the box office and have couple of movies like “Kesari”, “Housefull 4” and “Good News” on board.