TIL Desk Bollywood/ Akshay Kumar has postponed the release of his film, PadMan, to avoid a box office clash with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s controversy-ridden Padmaavat. Directed by R Balki, PadMan was supposed to release on January 25 but will now arrive in the theatres on February 9.
Akshay called a press conference in Mumbai to explain his reason for pushing his film forward.”My film was to release on January 25. Padmaavat was also going to release on the same day.
I was doing a rehearsal and Sanjay Leela Bhansali came and asked if I could move it (postpone the release of PadMan). We are all a family and a part of the same industry,” he said. He then called out to Bhansali, who was at the venue, to address the media.
“My film has been made after a lot of difficulties,” said Bhansali. “I requested Akshay to postpone the release of his film. Clashing with an Akshay Kumar film (at the box office) would be difficult. I will be grateful to him for a lifetime for what he has done. The fraternity will be proud of what Akshay has done today.”