TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor-singer Ali Zafar has filed a defamation suit in a district court in Lahore against singer Meesha Shafi, who accused him of sexual harassment two months ago on social media. The suit claims damages of Rs. 1 billion.
Filed under the Defamation Ordinance 2002 on Saturday, Mr Zafar has said in the notice that Ms Shafi had caused “tremendous injury” to his “reputation, goodwill, livelihood” through “false, slanderous and defamatory” allegations.
The suit reads: “As the defamatory statements are patently false, it can only be concluded that this malicious campaign has been launched against the plaintiff as part of a motivated conspiracy to tarnish the plaintiff’s good image through making false accusations.
“The defendant has associated herself with the global #MeToo movement, with one of the launchers of the #MeToo movement Rose McGowan labeling the defendant as ‘a heroine for our times’.”