TIL Desk Bollywood/ Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is known for his sense of humour – that has many times put him into trouble too, says with time and maturity, he had to cut down on this on a public platform.
Shah Rukh, will soon be hosting the Filmfare Awards, was responding to a question on how he looks at the trend of roasting other actors on award shows. “Well, I look at things differently.
My wife explained it perfectly to me. When I started hosting Filmfare Awards 20 years ago, I was just five years old in the film industry. As a youngster, whatever I did, people took that lightly.
“Now, after being a member of the film fraternity of 25 years, if I am making fun of my contemporaries or senior actors, nobody would take that lightly… nobody would tolerate it as a ‘youngster’s act’ anymore. So yes, as a senior actor, I curtail my sense of humour.”