TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Akshay Kumar says he and wife Twinkle Khanna are unfazed by the backlash they are receiving over the auction of the costume he wore as an Indian naval officer in “Rustom”. Akshay last week announced that the costume of his 2016 film would be auctioned for charity and the proceeds would fund animal rescue and welfare.
Taking offence to his description of the costume as the “original naval uniform”, Twitteratti pointed out to that his outfit was just a film costume and not the real naval uniform, that the couple claimed in their auction post. Twinkle, particularly, faced severe criticism after a senior Army officer wrote to her on Facebook saying she would get a “bloody nose”, if she auctions the costume in the name of a uniform.
The actor-turned-author wrote she would initiate a legal action against the man. At an event last evening, when Akshay was asked about the trolling that his wife was being subjected to, the actor said they were auctioning the costume for a “good cause”. And if anyone has a problem, they cannot do anything about it, he said.
“I, of course, support my wife in this (matter). We both have done this with a lot of genuineness. We are doing it for a good cause. The costume that I wore in the film is going (to be sold) for a good cause. So, I don’t think we did anything bad. I can’t help if someone feels bad about it,” Akshay said.