TIL Desk Bollywood/ Boman Irani has been roped into play the character of actor Ranveer Singh”s father in the upcoming film “Jayeshbhai Jordaar”. The veteran actor calls the script “rare” and that it”s a “moving story”.
“”Jayeshbhai Jordaar” is a rare script that tells a brilliant, moving story. For me, Divyang is a writer and director to watch out for and talent like him comes once in many, many years. He has written something exceptionally thought provoking that delivers a powerful message in the most entertaining and humorous manner,” Boman said.
Directed by debutant writer-director Divyang Thakkar, “Jayeshbhai Jordaar” is a humourous entertainer set in Gujarat and Ranveer will be seen playing the role of a Gujarati man. Boman is again teaming up with Ranveer after “83”. He tagged the “Gully Boy” star as “powerhouse performer”.