
Character in ‘Antim’ one of his toughest on-screen portrayals: Salman Khan

Character in ‘Antim’ one of his toughest on-screen portrayals: Salman Khan

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood superstar Salman Khan recently called his character in the Mahesh Manjrekar directorial ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ as one of his toughest on-screen portrayals. The actor referred to it as the binding agent that holds the narrative together.

Commenting on the character, Salman said, “In ‘Antim’, I played the role of a cop, but a little different this time around. It has been one of the toughest characters that I have played till date. Everything- right from my look of a Sikh cop to my dialect and calm-peaceful persona of the character is more unusual than my previous roles.”

He added how the character is integral to the film’s storyline, saying, “There are no romantic songs and angry young man nuances, yet Rajveer Singh’s character is very crucial that ties the film together. I am glad that people have shown so much love and support for both characters – Rajveer Singh and Rahulya.”

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