TIL Desk Bollywood/ Director Gauri Shinde has rubbished reports that her film “Dear Zindagi” has similarities with Canadian TV series “Being Erica”. The director says her film, starring Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan, is close to her heart. “Dear Zindagi is a deeply personal film. There is only one thing it borrows from that’s my life. There are a million films and serials with therapists like there are with doctors.
Just because there is a doctor in a film, does not mean it borrows from another film with a doctor,” Shinde said in a statement. The director said she was disturbed by “irresponsible comments” from people who have no clue what it is that they are referring to.
“I have not seen this series that they refer to and I cannot comment on what is in it. In today’s world, where everybody sees everything, I am not so dumb that I believe I can get away by deliberate plagiarism nor am I so insensitive to borrow without giving credit, from anybody who has created anything for such a sensitive and important cause,” she said.