TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Deepika Padukone, who made her Hollywood foray with the Vin Diesel-starrer “xXx: Return of Xander Cage”, will return to the franchise for its fourth instalment, according to its director DJ Caruso. Caruso, on Twitter, welcomed Chinese singer-actor Roy Wang to the “xXx” family on Monday.
A social media user then asked: “What about Deepika Padukone. Will she be part of the film”” “Yes,” replied Caruso, thereby confirming that the popular actress will be back in the action-packed franchise.
Asked if there was any update on Deepika’s shooting schedule for the film, Caruso responded to a fan: “Working it out now script being scheduled.”
Deepika’s foray into Hollywood had created a strong buzz. In fact, last year Diesel had made his maiden visit to India as he came down to Mumbai with Caruso and the Bollywood actress to promote “”xXx: Return of Xander Cage”. He was welcomed with ‘desi’ fanfare.