
I know I’ll lose stardom, but don’t fear it: Aamir Khan

I know I'll lose stardom, but don't fear it: Aamir Khan

TIL Desk Bollywood/ “It’s not ‘whether it will happen’, it’s ‘when it’ll happen’?” says Aamir Khan about losing fame, success and stardom, something which the superstar insists he does not worry about at all. With consecutive blockbusters and films which changed the grammar of commercial movie-making, Aamir has carved his niche in the industry.

In an interview, Aamir says, “I actually don’t fear that (losing stardom). I am very clear that I am going to lose it all. I have no doubt in my mind that there will be a day when I will not have all this. So why fear? Death is going to come to all of us. Even creativity goes to a sustenance period and finally it gets destroyed.

“It’s a natural process of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Everything which exists will get destroyed. I will lose all of this, definitely.” The actor says what he does lose his sleep over is if he is handling the tricky process of filmmaking rightly or not.

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