TIL Desk Bollywood/Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui says the reason for him being convincing in gangster roles is that he looks at the characters through a human lens. Siddiqui shot to fame with his portrayal of local goon Faizal Khan in Anurag Kashyap’s “Gangs of Wasseypur”. The actor says he has played a gangster four times in his career — in “Munna Michael”, “Babumoshai Bandookbaaz”, among others — and has never treated the roles similarly.
“I have never done a gangster role thinking of it as one. I think it is the role of a man and that’s it. He could be bad or good. Sometimes the flawed personality of a person is highlighted more. I have never treated my characters as gangsters. I look at them as humans,” Siddiqui told. The 44-year-old actor will be seen again as a criminal overlord in “Sacred Games”, a Netflix Original web series.
“This role is different because others didn’t have as much depth as this one. Faizal Khan (from ‘Gangs of…’) of course had depth, you know certain aspects about him after watching the film but here, you go deep into his psychic. We have tried to do that, to take you along his journey,” the actor says.