TIL Desk Bollywood/ He rose to fame with “Pyaar Ka Punchnama” and is currently riding high on the success of his latest Rs 100 crore film “Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety”. Actor Kartik Aaryan, who is loving his space in Bollywood, says he is now a bankable star.
“Yes, I am in a very good space in Bollywood right now. I am loving it and all the love that people have been giving me from within the industry and outside too… I do feel that I am (a) bankable (actor). I am loving it and I hope I do satisfy everybody’s needs,” Kartik told.
Hailing from Madhya Pradesh, Kartik, 29, made it big with his performance in Luv Ranjan’s bromantic comedy “Pyaar Ka Punchnama” in 2011. The film launched him into fame, with every young man relating with his endearing character.