
Irrfan’s ‘Madaari’ is heart-wrenching

TIL Desk Bollywood/ ‘Madaari’ is the moving tale of a distraught common man, a single father Nirmal Kumar (Irrfan) who has lost his son under tragic circumstances, owing to negligence and corruption in the system. How he resorts to a desperate measure to make his voice heard, in a bid to seek justice, forms the crux of the film.

Exposing the malaise of deep-seated corruption, government apathy and the power of social media in reaching out to people, the film is both, disturbing and hard-hitting. It is a reality check for the electorate and sends out a strong message that the “ideal voter” in India will perhaps no longer tolerate government indifference and demands accountability.

Unlike, other political satires, ‘Madaari’ takes the route of a strong emotionally-packed narrative, well-told. And that, is what perhaps pierces your heart, making you connect immediately. You empathise with the father, even not having experienced his predicament.

Irrfan, as the anguished father, is brilliant. His eyes, with their vacant expression, convey his pain and frustration, with ease. As an actor, he is in absolute command, reliving the grief effortlessly. His pain is palpable. The last scene where he finally severs physical ties with his son’s belongings, is heart-wrenching.


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