TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood star Nawazuddin Siddiqui is all set to star opposite Italian actress Valentina Corti in Tannishtha Chatterjee’s directorial debut. The ‘Manjhi’ star had everyone wondering after posting a picture with the Italian star on social media. He also added an intriguing caption to the image, “Ye ladki mere Rome Rome me hai.”
Later, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh confirmed the news of the stars pairing together. He wrote, “Italian actress Valentina Corti joins the cast of Tannishtha Chatterjee’s directorial debut alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui… Produced by Eros International, Rising Star Entertainment, Ravi Walia and Pankaj Razdan… Currently being filmed in Rome.”
The flick will be jointly produced by Rising Star Entertainment, Eros International, Pankaj Razdaz, and Ravi Walia. The actor-turned-director is best known for her performance in British film ‘Brick Lane’. The drama was an adaptation of Monica Ali’s best-selling novel of the same name. On the other hand, Nawazuddin is currently working on a couple of projects such as ‘Ghoomketu’, ‘Mukkabaaz’, ‘Thackeray’, and ‘Genius’.