TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Sonam Kapoor, who completed a decade in Hindi filmdom in 2017, says she has been a tortoise in the field as her journey has been slow and steady. “2017 is a decade for me in the industry. I think the whole point of being a human being is to evolve and be better. I’ve been a tortoise.
I think it’s about being slow, steady, doing things you believe in, trudging on, working hard and creating relationships because winning is not important, what’s important is being the best version of yourself,” Sonam told.
“Improving your craft, improving yourself as a human being,” Sonam added. The 32-year-old actress says she has formed some great relationships in the industry during her journey. “Some of my best friends are from this industry whether it’s Swara Bhaskar, Aanand L. Rai, Ram Madhvani,” she said.