
Jacqueline Fernandez: No one has the right to judge my film journey

Jacqueline Fernandez: No one has the right to judge my film journey

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Jacqueline Fernandez is not worried that she will get slotted in a category due to her current spate of glamorous roles and said she would not do an indie project just to prove her acting chops. The 32-year-old actor says it is her journey and no one has the right to point fingers at her choice of films.

In an interview with, Jacqueline said, “I am not supposed to do an indie project because other people are telling me, ‘You are a glamorous actress now and you should be doing indie films’. That will never be my mindset.

“That will mean I am doing it for the wrong reasons. It should come from within. If I feel that I want to do something completely different I will do it. As an actor I do my job with conviction so it is for no one to actually judge because it is my journey. I choose things which I can do justice to.”

The actor believes only right attitude and hard work take one forward in Bollywood and coming from a film family does not make much difference.

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