TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Kangana Ranaut went down memory lane and recalled the time she spent in Mexico. Kangana posted a picture on Instagram, sitting on a beach with her back towards the camera. In the photo, she sports a tiny bikini and has left her curly hair open.
“Good morning friends, one of the most exciting places that I visited in my life is Mexico, beautiful but an unpredictable place, here’s a picture from Tulum a little island in Mexico,” she wrote alongside the image, which currently has 539K likes on the photo-sharing website.
Kangana is currently gearing up for “Thalaivi”, the upcoming bilingual biopic of late Jayalalithaa in Hindi and Tamil.The film will trace the journey of the late leader from silver screen to politics. It is directed by AL Vijay, and also stars Arvind Swami, Prakash Raj, Madhoo and Bhagyashree.