TIL Desk Bollywood/ Katrina Kaif’s sister Isabelle is set to make her Bollywood debut with Kwatha, opposite Aayush Sharma. Aayush, who made his Bollywood debut last year with Salman Khan-produced LoveYatri, will be playing an army officer in the film.
Isabelle has undergone training for four years at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York. She made her acting debut with “Dr Cabbie”, a Canadian film, which was co-produced by Salman.
Kwatha, to be directed by Karan Lalit Butani, has been described as a human adventure based on true events of the Indian Army with a twist.
“We are excited to announce Aayush Sharma and Isabelle Kaif as the leads of Kwatha. Kwatha is a village on the border of India and Mynamar. While it is based on true events, the plot is unconventional, which made actors like Aayush and Isabelle perfect for a film like this,” Bhutani said in a statement.