TIL Desk Bollywood/ Be it “Murder” or “Aashiq Banaya Aapne”, films in Emraan Hashmi’s early days in Bollywood saw him lock lips in multiple films. This led him to get the ‘serial kisser’ tag, which he says became a hindrance in his career after a certain time.
In an interview, Emraan spoke up about how the tag acted as both — a bane and a boon — in his life. “I got many hit films in my career because of the so-called tag. I won’t lie… I agree that I got a fair bit of acceptance from it. There were films which required such scenes and I did them.
“But there was a time when that tag started becoming a hindrance for me. I wanted to try something new but people were approaching me for the same thing. They wanted me to do the same thing again, due to which I was not able to get different types of films and I was not able to explore myself more as an artiste,” Emraan added.