
Leonardo DiCaprio eyed for Batman villain movie

Leonardo DiCaprio eyed for Batman villain movie

TIL Desk Hollywood/ Entertainment company Warner Brothers is reportedly trying to bring Oscar-winner Leonardo DiCaprio into the upcoming Joker origin movie. The studio is eyeing DiCaprio to play The Joker in the movie that will explore the origin story of the Batman supervillain.

The Warner Brothers are allegedly trying to convince Martin Scorsese to get “The Revenant” actor on board. However, no offer has been made to the “Django Unchained” star since Scorsese’s deal to produce the project has not been finalised.

Scorsese and DiCaprio are frequent collaborators. They teamed up in “The Aviator”, “Gangs of New York”, “The Departed”, “Shutter Island” and “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

Actor Jared Leto, who originally plays the Clown Prince of Crime in the DC Extended Universe movie franchise has reportedly heard of the rumours and he was not happy.


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