
Madhuri believes hindi film industry has democratised a lot over the years

Madhuri believes hindi film industry has democratised a lot over the years

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Madhuri Dixit believes the Hindi film industry has democratised a lot over the years and it has enabled actors like her to try their hands at different things.

Apart from acting, Madhuri has ventured into production and she is also set to come out with an English pop album. She says such avenues were not available for actors earlier.”I love to do all these different things because this is all within my domain like singing, dancing, creating and movies etc.

 I like to experiment with different things. That is why I did the album because it is also a way of expression and what I want to say through my songs. So it’s an expression of your emotion through the song,” Madhuri told.

“I believe it is the recent atmosphere in Bollywood that has enabled me to do so and be at so many places at the same time… Earlier, there weren’t so many avenues. We used to do what? Movies. Ads were not even made that much then. But today there are so many things that you can explore, which is amazing.”

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