TIL Desk Bollywood/ One of the two last calls Sushant Singh Rajput tried making before committing suicide was to his ”Pavitra Rishta co-star Mahesh Shetty. The call did not get through. In a long note, Mahesh regrets saying how he wishes that the call had come through. Sharing a black and white picture in which Sushant and he are posing with a bike, Mahesh recalled their initial meeting and endless talks of food, books, cinema, science and much more.
Mahesh wrote: “It”s a strange feeling… I have so much to say yet I”m speechless. “Sometimes in life, you meet someone and feel an instant connection as if you”ve known him all your life and you realise that you don”t have to be born from the same womb to be brothers. This is how we met… We met as brothers.
“We hit if off over our love for food and long walks in Film City and didn”t realise when and how we became such an integral part of each other”s lives. Both introverts, both amazingly old fashioned when it came to our friendship, both living in a little private world of our own.