
Malala you’re an undeniable force to be reckoned with: Priyanka

Malala you're an undeniable force to be reckoned with: Priyanka

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Priyanka Chopra recently met Nobel Laureate Malala Yousufzai and the actor is in awe of her. Priyanka, who is the goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, shared a picture with Yousufzai on Instagram and hailed her for her efforts in empowering and inspiring young girls.

“I could write a novel about how smart, incredible, inspiring, encouraging and funny this young woman is… But I will keep it brief. Malala, you are an undeniable force to be reckoned with. The world knows that. You are a role model to all the girls and boys that want to make this world a better place for the future.

“Spending a few hours with you and your incredible father Mr Yousafzai ( who reminds me so much of my father) , I realised you’re also just a young girl with young dreams. Your jokes, your love for Hindi Films, your infectious laughter will always remind me of what a huge responsibility you have taken on at such a tender age… I’m so proud to know you my friend.

You inspire women like me all over the world. Can’t wait to speak to you in our secret Hindi/Urdu again,” Priyanka wrote giving her fans an insight into her meeting with the young activist.

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