
Movies are great to get people’s attention on a topic: Katrina

Movies are great to get people's attention on a topic: Katrina

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Katrina Kaif believes movies can be effective in putting out a message that can bring about a change in society. Katrina interacted with the media when she joined the international award-winning non-profit organisation ‘Educate Girls’ as their ambassador here on Monday.

Asked what she thinks about having a movie based on ‘educating girls’ in Bollywood, she said: “I don’t believe you need to have a movie to take this cause further or spread the awareness about this cause.

 There are many ways we can do it, although with a movie on it, sometimes a message comes across in a non-judgmental, non-forceful or organic entertaining form. “A movie is an amazing way to get the message across. Someone making a movie on this would be outstanding.”Katrina cited the example of “Secret Superstar”.

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