TIL Desk Bollywood/ Shweta Singh Kirti, sister of Sushant Singh Rajput, shared a throwback video on Sunday, in which the sisters are joyous about the fact that the late actor is playing Indian cricket icon Mahendra Singh Dhoni in his 2016 biopic.
The video, shot on mobile camera, shows Sushant and his sisters lazing about in bed, pulling his leg and having a hearty laugh. “My brother has become Mahendra Singh Dhoni,” the sisters say, teasing Sushant about bagging the biggest role of his career. They also talk of how proud they are of their brother.”We had joy, we had fun!
We had seasons in the sun, But the smile and the song, Like the seasons have all gone”. How I wish we were all together again… #Youwillstayinourheartsforever #comeback,” Shweta posted on her verified Facebook account along with the video.