TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who is gearing up for his forthcoming film “Genius” has said that he never expected to get an opportunity to work with Anil Sharma who has made successful films like “Gadar-Ek Prem Katha” and “Apne” in the past.
Nawazuddin was interacting with the media here on Friday to promote “Genius” along with co-actors Utkarsh Sharma, Ishita Chauhan and director Anil Sharma. Sharing his experience of working with Anil Sharma for the first time, he said, “I have watched his films since my childhood and I remember people used to go in large numbers in theatres when his films released.
“I never expected that one day I will get an opportunity to work with him. One thing that I really admire about his direction is his capability of transforming a simple character into an extra-ordinary one,” Nawazuddin said. Talking about the film, in which he is playing a negative lead, Nawazuddin said, “It’s really an entertaining film made for all age groups and all kinds of audience.”