

TIL Desk/Bollywood- Pink is a 2016 Indian courtroom drama film directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, written by Ritesh Shah, and produced by Rashmi Sharma and Shoojit Sircar. It stars Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari, Angad Bedi, Andrea Tariang, Piyush Mishra and Dhritiman Chatterjee.

  • Review: Pink, a film that must be championed. ‘This is a solid, terse film that makes its points in mainstream fashion with an appropriate lack of subtlety.’-Rediff.com‎
  • Review: The film starring Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu sledgehammers the message that when a woman says no, she means no. It underlines a woman’s freedom to her own sexuality- Indian Express
  • Review: Pink is a powerful statement on the existing feudal mindset of a majority of India, where men and women are judged by a different yardstick. And if the man happens to be from a powerful family, then the fight for justice is even more skewed. Times of India [ Rating- 4.5/5]
  • A tale of true grit, grippingly told- Anupama Chopra
  • Taran Adarsh believes that the movie’s collections will escalate due to strong word of mouth…


Three girls – Minal Arora (Taapsee Pannu), Falak Ali (Kirti Kulhari) and Andrea (Andrea Tariang) are staying together as tenants in a posh South Delhi locality and are normal working professionals in their respective fields. One night, after a rock concert they accept a dinner invitation from Rajveer (Angad Bedi), who is a relative of a powerful politician, and two others to a resort in Surajkund, Faridabad district, Haryana. Rajeev is known to Minal through a common friend. Rajveer and his friends get drunk and try to molest Minal Arora (Taapsee Pannu) and her two roommates,despite they saying NO to them. Minal picks up a bottle and smashes it on Rajveer’s eye, leaving him bleeding.

To avenge the same, Rajveer and his friends try to vacate the girls from their houses and threaten them over the phone. Minal is foced to file a FIR against Rajveer and his friends. Upon realisation Rajveer lodges a wrong FIR against the girls, labelling them as prostitutes, using his powerful conntacts. Minal is then charged for ‘Attempt to murder’ and for soliciting, where she could face imprisonment for more than 10 years, if convicted.

Deepak Sehgall (Amitabh Bachchan) is a retired lawyer suffering from bipolar disorder who experiences frequent mood swings and has an ailing wife. He is also a neighbour of the 3 girls (Minal,Falakm Andrea) and witness their troubles & agrees to represent the girls in the court. The film revolves around how Deepak fights the girls’ case against these influential boys.

Directed by: Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury
Produced by: Rashmi Sharma, Shoojit Sircar
Screenplay: by Ritesh Shah
Story by: Ritesh Shah

Amitabh Bachchan
Taapsee Pannu
Kirti Kulhari
Andrea Tariang
Angad Bedi
Dhritiman Chatterjee
Piyush Mishra
Music by: Shantanu Moitra, Faiza Mujahid, Anupam Roy
Cinematography: Abhik Mukhopadhyay
Edited by: Bodhaditya Banerjee
Production Company: Rashmi Sharma Telefilms Limited
Distributed by NH STUDIOZ

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