TIL Desk Bollywood/ As Shraddha Kapoor wrapped up the shoot for her upcoming film “Half Girlfriend”, an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel of the same name, the actress says bringing the popular author’s words to life was a quite “challenging” task. The 29-year-old star, who plays a rich girl Riya Somani in the film, says it has been an amazing and special journey for her.
“Bringing Chetan Bhagat ‘s words to life has been challenging and so much fun… Memories, memories, memories,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s been amazing with an amazing team. Such awesomely passionate talents coming together. This beautiful world of making films,” she continued. The actress also shared that the film has been completed after being shot across six states and three continents.
“And it’s a film wrap on #HalfGirlfriend!!! Hatrick completed with @mohit11481 and it’s been so so special. 80 days. 6 states, 3 continents,” she wrote. In another post she said, “Living the journey of a character… Takes so much from you and gives you back so much in return! #RiyaSomani.” Directed by Mohit Suri, the upcoming romantic-comedy also stars Arjun Kapoor.