TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress-filmmaker Pooja Bhatt has countered nepotism allegations aimed at the Bhatts, claiming that as a family of filmmakers they have always supported newcomers and outsiders. Pooja pointed out there was a time when the Bhatts were accused of “only working with newcomers and not chasing stars”.
“Have been asked to comment on the hot topic Nepotism that people are raging about. As someone who hails from a ”family” that has launched more new talent-actors,musicians & technicians,than the entire film industry combined I can only laugh.Facts don”t find takers. Fiction does,” she started her series of tweets.
“There was a time when the Bhatt”s were accused of having something against established actors & made to feel inferior for only working with/launching newcomers & not chasing stars. And now the same people play the nepotism card? Google & tweet guys & won”t even say think & speak,” she added. Pooja also mentioned that they launched Kangana Ranaut with “Gangster”.