TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Priyanka Chopra, who opted out of Salman Khan-starrer “Loveratri”, has wished the actor-producer’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, who is set to make his Bollywood debut with “Loveratri”.
“Welcome to the movies my friend Aayush Sharma… From the looks of this trailer, you are going to make quite the debut! All the best Warina Hussain and lots of love to the ‘Loveratri’ team,” Priyanka tweeted.
Directed by first-time director Abhiraj Minawala, written by Naren Bhatt and produced by Salman Khan Films, “Loveratri” will release on October 5. Its trailer released last week.
On the Bollywood front, Priyanka is currently shooting for “The Sky Is Pink” directed by Shonali Bose. The film also stars Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. Priyanka had also signed up “Bharat”, but opted out of it. She is reportedly in talks for Chris Pratt-starrer “Cowboy Ninja Viking”.