TIL Desk Tellywood/ Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth was not injured during the shooting of Discovery channel”s new series ”Into The Wild with Bear Grylls”, said the show host in a social media post on Wednesday. “Please and no he (Rajinikanth) wasn”t injured. He was brave, determined and never gave up,” said Grylls putting the injury speculation to rest.
Late on Tuesday, an report confirmed that Rajinikanth was not injured during the shooting of ”Into The Wild with Bear Grylls” in the Bandipur Tiger Reserve. T. Balachandra, director of the tiger reserve and conservator of forests dismissed the news of Rajinikanth”s injury as fake news.
“It is all false (injury speculation). As per the screenplay, there was a shot in which Rajinikanth had to fall, so while getting down from the rope, he just fell down and everybody rushed. It was all in the screenplay,” Balachandra told on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Discovery India spokesperson confirmed that Rajinikanth was not injured.