TIL Desk Bollywood/ With three consecutive hits with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, actor Ranveer Singh says he wants to create a “vast legacy of memorable films” with the director. After working with him in “Ram Leela” and “Bajirao Mastani”, Ranveer’s latest collaboration with Bhansali, “Padmaavat” has given the actor his biggest hit and one of his most critically-acclaimed performances.
Speaking at an event here last night, Ranveer told reporters, “I am ready to do anything for Mr Bhansali! I understand too well that our collaboration is very special, and a lot of people recognise that, I recognise it too. I hope to do more films with him, and I hope that I am able to create a vast legacy of memorable films with such a special filmmaker.”
As Alauddin Khilji, Ranveer garnered lots of praise for his performance in the recently-released “Padmaavat”. The film, which already crossed Rs 200 crore at the box office, has overwhelmed the actor.
“I don’t get too carried away with success, neither do I get too bogged down by failure. What’s most important for me is that you deliver on your promise to the audience. I have pledged to try and be the best entertainer that I can possibly be, and to see the kind of response, love and praise that people are showering on our performance is extremely heartening for me.