TIL Desk Bollywood/ Director Rohit Shetty feels cop films like Dabangg and Singham have set the bar so high with their box office success and popularity that it is obvious another police-centric film will be compared with them. The filmmaker was discussing his new film with Ranveer Singh, who plays a notorious cop in Simmba. Shetty says he is confident that the film will be original in its character.
“What usually happens is that Chulbul Pandey and Singham have become the iconic characters. When we were making Singham, a lot of people told us are ‘you trying to make a Dabangg kind of a film’ but the film has its own identity.
This will always happen. Whenever a cop film is made, people will either draw comparisons with Dabangg or Singham. If the look and part is serious, then Singham. If entertaining, then Chulbul Pandey. Our cop (Ranveer) is not a Chulbul Pandey kind of a character,” says Shetty, who has directed Singham and Singham Returns. While Dabangg and Singham have mushroomed into a franchise, the director feels it is too early to say the same about Simmba. “Let’s see how the first one does,” he explains.